1. 360h
2. 130h
3. 315h
4. 1100h
5. 135h
6. 720h
7. 15h
8. 450h
In order to solve these questions u just multiply. :) if u need anymore help with this just type in comments
well i think this is it! hopefully..i tried m best
1. la historique
2. l'art
3. la medicine
4. les pays/ la georgraphie
5.les langues
6. la style de mode
7.la littérature
8. la naturelle
9. la Philosophe
10. la science
Answer: active 1
1 un mesiour
2 un fille
3 un garcon
4 une dame
Explanation: active 2
zero un,
Trois zero,six zero,quatre quatre,
deux zero
acrive 3
soixante seize
soixante seize
hope this helps
Hi !!!
are you asking for translation in French ???
It depends on the context...
This girl is nice = cette fille est agréable / gentille
the weather is nice = le temps est agréable = il fait beau
Paris is a nice city = Paris est une belle ville
a nice cup of tea = une bonne tasse de thé
it's nice to see you = cela fait plaisir de te voir
this a nice meal = c'est un bon repas
to try to help, I'd say =
for a person = gentil(le)
for the weather = il fait beau (the weather is nice = il fait beau; it's a nice day =c'est une belle journée, meaning "il fait beau")
for food = bon(ne)
for clothes, furniture, places, ...= joli(e)
for a girl, woman =you look nice = vous êtes jolie,
what a nice woman = quelle gentille femme
holidays, trip...= agréable My holidays were so nice = mes vacances étaient si agréables
nice try ! = bien essayé !
I guess many others ..... That's all I thought about !!
hope I helped :)