How does one's own body betray a person? Winston means involuntary movements a person might make from bottling up so much emotional and intellectual tension for so long. He once witnessed a man with a contorted face walking by. His expression was involuntary but Winston surely knew the man would be killed.
hope it helps
B because it specificly says battle which is war talk
He was afraid that he world be late for school
1. the bananas was bought at a low price by him
2.all the books have been sold by us homework is helped by the teacher
4.this portrait was painted by a famous artist
5.his test hasn't been finished by him
6.this poem was written by Cyd
7.a mouse was caught in a mouse trap by them
8.good food is served in the restaurant by them is played in my country
10.telephone (?) was invented by him on 1876
apply the passive formula
This question is missing the options. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:
Dr. Dowell says that we need to be prepared for a pandemic. He thinks every nation should have an emergency plan. More medications like Tamiflu should be available. He thinks rich countries like the U.S. should help poor countries pay for medicine and health care.
Why does the author most likely include this information at the end of the text instead of at the beginning?
A. because it draws a conclusion based on the evidence presented throughout the text
B. because it offers new evidence that is meant to help readers better understand the text
C. because it poses new questions for readers to think about now that they have read the text
D. because it offers supplemental information that readers can compare to evidence presented in the text
The author includes this information at the end of the text:
A. because it draws a conclusion based on the evidence presented throughout the text
After discussing and presenting evidence throughout the text, author John DiConsiglio is now ready to conclude it. What he presents at the end cannot be new evidence or supplemental information, for that would not be a conclusion at all. He is also not presenting questions - he is making statements. Those statements are based on the information presented previously, supported by it. What the author wants now is to show how important that information was and how we can use it to be prepared for future cases of the disease.