Grendel's mom fights more; pins him and has dagger.
Beowulf fought in both battles.
The difference between the battle between 'Beowulf and Grendel's mother' and 'Grendel and Beowulf' is that 'Grendel's mom is more attacking, she carries a dagger and even pins him.' In return, Beowulf counters her with the sword and breaks her collarbones. The importance of the similarity between the two distinct battles is that 'Beowulf took part in both of them.' Apart from the battle with Grendel's mother, he had an intense battle with Grendel too where the latter attempts to swallow him. However, Beowulf was successful in trashing him down.
when leaves are old and ready to drop, they turn yellow and crinkly. When they are pressed a little with hand, it breaks into pieces
Hope it helps
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The fifth labor is hardesr
2 years ago I moved to secondary which made my personality a lot more happier as in I got bullied in Primary school.
I have recently got a new baby first cousin which makes me my personality more fun as I used to be boring but ever since he was born I have been more lively too.