Supporting sentences are there to provide examples to the topic sentence so the reader has something to go off of rather than just a bunch of facts.
A concluding paragraph can help to give the reader a closing so they know the material is coming to an end and it helps the reader sum up and recollect back on what they just read
a works cited page is there purely to give credit to the people that you have learned from so that the teacher or professor knows that you are not just pulling things from thin air, and to help ensure that the material that you presented is actually yours.
paraphrasing things can be risky because you are not actually using your own ideas and thoughts you are just taking what someone has said and rewording it while summarizing things is concluding what you have just read and telling the reader what you understood about the material.
and i' m not sure what you meant in 9.
Students have strong reasons to get involved in debate over gun laws.
If you prepare today for what is to come then the future will be easy to you
The insights that you can gain by studying psychology are the following:
Research - this helps the study become more productive in the needs of society, and at the same time discover various matters that involved it.
Perspective - with the study of behavioral science, you get to see a better perspective especially when encountering people.
Critical Thinking - it helps you gain more knowledge about your brain's activity, thus helping you develop more ideas in a better way.
Knowledge - in this world where people's minds have become the basis of society, you get to learn more about the world itself and how it develops.
Duo lingo works pretty good !