<em>hi</em><em> </em><em>hru</em><em> </em>
<em>have a nice day</em><em> </em><em><</em><em>3</em>
<em>안녕하세요 모두가 잘되기를 바랍니다. 안전 유지</em>
Columbus believed he had reached Asia when he had traveled less than halfway there because geographical knowledge at the time was limited. They believed if they sailed West they would reach Asia by sea but actually ended up in the Americas. He thought the world was smaller than it actually was.
The correct answer is:
The Senate could prevent the President's nominee from serving as a federal judge, if they refuse to confirm the President's nominee.
Under Article II, of the United States Constitution; the President has the power to elect candidates for Supreme Court Judges, but it also states that the Senate shall advice and consent the President's decision.
Before the President can officially present his nominee, he has to follow certain steps that involve sessions in which the nominee should present and answer questions from the Senate's Judiciary Committee. The Committee acts as a Representative Committee for the whole Senate, and if they approve (three-fifths are required), they send their vote to the entire Senate, this confirmation allows the President to appoint the nominee for federal judge.
sono chi no sadame jojo
is watching show fine but i will visit dat web site