The answer is: D) Both European leaders were more interested in punishing the Germans through reparations and loss of territory than in preventing another world war.
British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, and the French Premier, Clemenceau, wanted to push forward the demands. Lloyd George won an election in 1918, under the banner of 'making the Germans pay'.
French wanted to look for security against future German attacks and look for them to repair all the damage caused in northern France.
Indeed, a citizen militia could be effective against the illegitimate attempt to install a dictatorship in the country through military force. In fact, one of the main limitations that the rulers in the United States have to fall back on authoritarian or dictatorial governments, in addition to the checks and balances system, is the constitutional right that American citizens have to own weapons, inserted in the Second Amendment. Thus, the rulers know that in the event of an illegitimate attempt to gain power, the American people could quickly organize in defense of democracy and civil liberties since they have the necessary elements to do so. That is why the organization of a citizen militia would be perfectly possible and effective in this situation.
During the 1980s, the United was deeply involved in Latin
America because the growing problem of Communists insurgents in the region
particularly in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. The Cold War was still on and the U.S. feared
that Communism would take root in these areas and might threaten if they
continue unabated.
The work of the children was a common custom among peasant and artisan families. In the first decades of the industrial revolution, a large number of boys and girls worked in factories and coal mines. The industrial revolution produced important changes in the lives of millions of people. Many started working in factories and many of them were children. In the first English factories, these children were under the age of seven, forced to work between twelve and fifteen hours every day of the week. They did not eat properly, they were in an environment full of danger and dirt, they could not go to school or play because they spent long hours working.