(B) id-consists of primitive, instinctual urges superego-raw, inborn part of personality
Freud defines id, those primitive, instincts present in the infants mind, where sexual and aggressive drives locate, deeply hidden memories. It contains unconscious psychic energy that constantly expresses wishes to statisfy urges, basic needs or greater desires. The id seek pleasure permanently, with a ever present demand for immediate gratification.
To the contrary, the super ego is conscious and operates as a moral agent, contrasting with reality and acts as a negotiatior between this desires coming from the id
The id operates on shaping personality, as newborns, it lets us satisfy basic needs for survival. Freud strongly believed this is id will seek pleasure at any time without considerations of the reality of situation thus other mechanisms like super ego will later develop as one grows in presence of wider contexts and circumstances.
The following is missing for the question to be complete:
Selective expectation
Selective memory
Active listening
Answer: Selective expectation
Explanation: Selective expectation refers to the psychological cognitive bias that makes one perceive what they want or think they need to perceive. In other words, what someone expects to be the outcome of his action, such as Eric, affects his perception of Sara. This means that what Eric biases to happen if he wants to talk to Sara about his problems and difficulties in the workplace, determines his perception of Sara, meaning in Eric's opinion that Sara won't want or have the time to listen to him. However, apart from the biased expectation of determining someone's, say Eric's, observations, they are influenced by the degree to which something stands out. If Sara is often unable to deal with employees' problems because of a job that works, then it is visible and highlighted as something that will determine one's, Eric's, perception of her more often as a manager who is uninterested in employee problems, than a manager is stuck business.
Perhaps, if Eric would approach his problems decisively and eloquently, and without any expectation in advance, but only with a determined attitude to present his problems, Sara as a top manager would probably listen to him.
Cotton was short and weeds were tall North Carolina had to import some of its food during the 1930s farmers left their land for the mills and mines of cities
The answer is below
Labeling theory of crime and deviance is a form of social theory that concluded that people behave defiantly according to the label at which they were given.
For example, if someone is called a by a popular thug name, such a person would start behaving like that particular thug.
There are criticisms of the labeling theory of crime and deviance, some of which are:
1. It does not clarify the main deviance or the reason people take offense in the first place which arises before they have been labeled
2. It suggests that deviants have no knowledge of their offense until they are labeled, but most know they are disobeying institutional standards
3. It does not clarify the source of labels. For example common practices and traditions system or capitalism principles.