Perhaps the most obvious affect on U.S. foreign policy will be through the new trade offs that a “war on terrorism” could require. If stopping terrorism really is now
not that i cared about it
The fall of the Western Roman Empire created a vacuum that needed to be filled. The Church had gained much power and infuence after becoming the official imperial religion. Rome became the center of Christianity. After the fall of the last Roman emperor, deposed by Odoacer, a Germanic king in 476 AD, the power of the papacy grew. In 751 AD, Pipin the Short, king of the Franks, invaded Italy , freeing Rome from the sieged laid by the Lombards . Pipin gave the pope control over some regions, they´d become the papal states.
Federalism is a system of government in which entities such as states or provinces share power with a national government.
Sandra Day O'Connor
Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican jurist from Arizona, was the first woman on the Supreme Court. O'Connor was nominated by Ronald Reagan in 1981.
There were draw and they wanted to keep it going