Dear Madam,
I write this letter in appreciation for your explanation to the ban on teacher recruitment, and also to highlight key problems that have emanated as a result of your directive. It would be recalled that on September 25, 2013, I called you, Ms Benedicta Naana Biney on the phone and wanted to know the rationale for the current ban on teacher recruitment.
I must say that you did well in engaging me in that conversation, though I was not fully convinced with your explanation. From your explanation, it occurred to me that whilst you're doing your best in solving one educational problem, in this case eliminating "ghost names" from the government's payroll, a similar problem, if not a bigger one, is being created alongside without your knowledge. It is thus imperative for me to bring it to your attention for prompt action.
Ms. Biney, permit me to use this medium to commend you for your resolve in streamlining the biometric registration of teachers to eliminate ghost names; distribute teachers equally to schools; and know the teacher strength in the country. Admittedly, the action is a very good initiative by your outfit to check wastage of government revenue.
However, what I found very disturbing is your inability to specify the end of this important exercis
they are experienced, have authority, and they tend to be unbiased.
2) his past experience and interest
3) a) what vision do you have for support system
b) why do you think you are the best person for the role
c) any question?
D. Grant
I know this from personal experience, as my sister received a grant for her phD program. You always have to pay back loans, and neither a work-study job/waiver are types of federal money.
Answer: Lays out rules for behavoir and work ethics for a professional organization.
A code of ethics is important because it clearly lays out the rules for behavior and provides the groundwork for a preemptive warning. While a code of ethics is often not required, many firms and organizations choose to adopt one, which helps to identify and characterize a business to stakeholders.