The significance is that he wasn't willing to let go of his chances of trying again. "They dragged Robert out the door, knees stiff, feet dragging."
1 Bread with jam or honey and drinks milk with honey.
2 He eats lunch at school.
3 He eats many healthy things that are required and stays away from junk food.
4 Cereal with some milk.
5 She doesn't go all the time.
6 She doesn’t eat sausages or hamburgers because she doesn’t like them.
7 She eats what’s required but she doesn’t seem to like many things like suasage and hamburgers.
Told you that i will answer later.
Has a tragic flaw
Every tragic hero must have a tragic flaw. In classic literature, this was typically their pride. While pride could be a good thing, excessive pride proves to be fatal to their character
Macbeth's tragic flaw was greediness for power. The witches knew his weakness and they used it against him. Power thirst led him to his downfall. He wanted power and was too greedy to acquire it legitimately, rather he was consumed by a fit of greed to have it all and it ruined him
about what father i didnt got it can u clarify it