Leading the progressive movement, Roosevelt promoted his "Square Deal" domestic initiatives.
Following an examination of the meat packing industry, Theodore Roosevelt backed the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act. He dismantled a monopoly by utilizing the Sherman Antitrust Act as well. By 1901, state borders could no longer contain the reform upheaval. Furthermore, solutions were urgently needed for some issues that only the federal government seemed to be able to handle.
Roosevelt led his supporters out of the Republican convention after becoming convinced that his nomination had been stolen by the establishment. The Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party was established in August, with Roosevelt chosen to serve as its leader. The reform Republican governor of California, Hiram Johnson, was chosen as Roosevelt's running mate.
To learn more about Roosevelt refer to:
Habeas Corpus means that you can't lock someone up without stating their offense and giving them a trial.
the Democratic Republicans
Democratic Republicans believed in state power over the federal government and the ability of states to ignore unjust laws. In the case of the Whiskey Rebellion, farmers rebelled against a tax on whiskey. They believed it was the right as citizens to refuse to pay a federal tax because they didn't believe in the tax and weren't fairly represented. The rebellion was met by federal troops and a statement of federal supremacy.
Democratic-Republicans formed under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson. The party had roots in the ideas of Anti-Federalists during the Constitutional Convention. The Democratic-Republicans believed the Constitution should be followed strictly and as stated. They also supported states rights over the federal government. In addition they opposed the National Bank and any institutions that gave the federal government power.
Akhenaten banned the worship of gods beside the Aten, including through festivals. He also declared himself to be the only one who could worship the Aten, and required that all religious devotion previously exhibited toward the gods be directed toward himself.