Я ничего не знаю, потому что я сумасшедший. Я сумасшедший, потому что мои друзья сумасшедшие.
I wanna say .Gov. Because it is like the official stuff... you know? Sometimes the .Org's lie and .Com's are not always trustworthy.
you can use a poem my friend made to help me also one i found online
I'm a full moon, full plate, full platter.
If you break my heart you stabbed and my blood will splatter.
Like the moon and the stars into your eyes I want to gaze.
Sometimes I used to think love was just a game people played...
thought it was fake, till you took my heart and dipped it in a lake.
Dripping with love, with my emotions please never play.
Will you be with me at night to give me light?
Like the moon, for me, please shine.- By My friend
Something i found
By BaileyClark
“Your skin is not paper, don't cut it. Your face is not a mask, don't hide it. Your size is not a book, don't judge it. Your life is not a film, don't end it.”
Answer: My name is my username (Marwan) so yeah.
Indeed cities should be required to have detailed evacuation plans
> We cannot provide specific textual evidence because you forgot to attach the passage. However, we can comment on the following.
> Every city should have a very thought-out plan to evacuate the citizens in case of a natural disaster.
> In the absence of this plan, citizens are at the mercy of luck, and that is no good.
> Every local and state government should foster the culture of prevention instead of only reacting when the problem has arisen.
> Natural disasters did not warn you. They hit a city and if people are not prepared to act, what follows is panic and chaos.
We can conclude that every city should create the proper evacuation plan and have simulacrums or rehearsals so people could know how to act in order to prevent tragedies.
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