The most valuable resource that we as living beings have is "Time". Everyone has a very finite amount of time to live our lives. This makes every second incredibly valuable. Being able to travel larger and larger distances faster than ever before gives us the gift of time (in a way) by allowing us to spend less time travelling and/or waiting to get to our destinations. This makes travelling at faster speeds invaluable and the process of achieving this a great use of our time.
A pep talk that can be given to a group of firefighters or a scout troop who have experienced a failure goes thus:
- Failure is a path to success. Every successful person has failed. Failure is part of everyone's life and the main thing is how you react to it.
- Do not let failure weigh you down. It is how you react that matters. Do not be afraid to try again. Failures are mistakes and you should try to be better and wiser the next time.
- It is time to rebound from your mistakes and achieve your goals. Believe in yourselves, you can do it. Do not let failure stop you.
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The verb given does agree with the subject of the sentence.
Thus presenting it to be a
I'm not too sure on the proper grammar at the moment but "thus presenting it to be a" sounds less clunky and appropriate in terms of a paper