The disaster immediately strained relations between Germany and the neutral United States, fueled anti-German sentiment and set off a chain of events that eventually led to the United States entering World War I. Germany broke naval rules.
To industrialize so that they could catch up with western powers or stay strong, they had to constantly use natural resources. Once they realized that their own natural resources were not enough, they had to expand imperialistically; that is, acquiring overseas/overland colonies, such as the British in India producing cotton and textiles and the Spanish in Latin America.
As time went on and the abuses of these mother nations went on, those who were ruled over decided to band together as a common ethnic group with the same goal of getting rid of their rulers and unifying their split up groups. This resulted in the unification of people, an independent nation, as well as the removal of foreign powers within that nation.
Examples include the various revolutions throughout the west: the American, French, Haitian, and Latin American revolutions, as well as the revolutions throughout Africa: the revolutions in Algeria, Angola, and Ghana.
However, not all people within a nation were entirely for this idea, resulting in the competing forces of nationalism and sectionalism. For example, during the process of unification in Italy, there were areas of modern Italy that were very different from the other parts of Italy, becoming an obstacle for unification. Specifically, Piedmont, which is Northern Italy today, was industrialized and had a centralized system of governance, while areas in Southern Italy, such as Sicily, were poor and still had an agrarian society.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Aunque la pregunta no especifica algún tipo de relación o formato en especial, responderemos de la siguiente manera.
Algunos de los aspectos en común que tenían las primeras civilizaciones en el planeta fueron las siguientes.
Las primeras civilizaciones dejaron de ser nómadas y recolectores de comida, para asentarse en un lugar establecido. Anteriormente, los primeros humanos tenían que seguir las mandas de animales para cazarlos y alimentar a sus familias. De paso, iban recolectando frutas, semillas y legumbres, también.
Los Sumerios se instalaron en medio de los Ríos Tigris y Éufrates. Los Egipcios, a lo largo del Río Nilo, y los humanos del Valle del Indo, junto al Río Indo.
Habitar junto a los ríos proporcionaba muchos beneficios porque ahí, estas civilizaciones desarrollaron técnicas de cultivo y se vieron beneficiados por que al desbordarse los ríos, dejaban una tierra muy fértil para luego cultivarla.