Compromise is very important to a democracy because in a democracy the government is ran by the people or at least in a direct democracy its a little different for a representative democracy. Anyway compromise is important because if half of the country disagrees with the policy and the other half does politicians will typically lean towards making both sides happy with a compromise.
Visual/spatial Learner
People who fall under the classification of visual/spatial learners, absorb, perceive, analyze and understand VISUAL information around them, and capture concepts with what their eyes picture.
These kind of learners take information the best when is written, modeled or diagrammed, through a visual media. And have good hand-eye coordination, and memorization of details.
Jesse designs and plays with machines, thus most likely follows and draws diagrams, plays with logic puzzles that need analyzing with the eyes, and he has an ease with maps, so Jesse is more a visual person than an auditory for example.
The Tuscarora signed a treaty with colonial officials in 1718 and settled on a reserved tract of land in Bertie County, North Carolina.