1. Homeside Products
306 North Sherman Drive
Lamar, SD 30453
This address included on the label is the company information. This is where any complaints about the product should be addressed to.
2. To Use, Stand back
The section titled "To Use" will tell a person how to use the fire extinguisher in a way that is effective and safe. In order to find information in this section about how far back to stand, the user will need to look for the words stand back. The directions tell the user to "Stand back 6 feet".
3. First Aid
The section on the label that tells what to do if the product comes in contact with skin. A dog should be treated the same way a person is treated. in this section, it says that the chemicals are not toxic, but the area should still be flushed with cool water.
Based on the passage, I believe it is D
The sentence 'I recieved her letter of resignation' contains a spelling error.
Option D.
The correct spellings of 'recieved' are 'received'.
The word 'receive' means getting something from someone or something. For example: Allison received a medal for winning the drawing contest. In this sentence, Allison was given a medal by her school.
The word follows a very old and common English vocabulary rule called: I before E except after C. According to this rule, in certain words, alphabet 'i' shall be placed before alphabet 'e' as long as they are preceding the alphabet 'c'. For example: In F-R-I-E-N-D, I is placed before E as they are not [preceding the alphabet C; which in this word does not exist entirely.
But, if the letters 'i' and 'e' are to be placed right after alphabet 'c', then the 'e' shall precede 'i'. For example: In words such as 'R-E-C-E-I-V-E' and 'P-E-R-C-E-I-V-E', E precedes I as they both are placed right after 'c'.
To avoid this common mistake, it is advised to refer to a spell check.
he had witnessed during his World War II service.