Micaiah is one of the four disciples of Elijah. He told the prophesy that the battle Ahab wanted to enter would end poorly for Ahab. Sure enough Ahab dies in the battle.
Sorry I don't know If These will help sorry if they don't
What are the different sections of a project report?
The most important parts of a report are the Introduction, the Conclusions and Future work, and the Abstract. A common mistake is for a student to spend the least amount of time writing these sections allowing insufficient time to complete them properly.
How do you write a project work?
How To Write A Project Plan
1: Establish Project Scope And Metrics
2: Identify Key Stakeholders
3: Outline Deliverables
4: Develop Tasks
5: Assign Tasks And Deadlines
6: Share, Gather Feedback, And Adjust The Project Plan As Necessary.
7: Use Other Project Plans For Inspiration
8: Get Your Team Involved In The Process
A. As a concerned citizen of Triston and member of the North Carolina Conservation of Nature Council, I am asking for the community's help with a serious issue.
It is the most emotional because it is a personal plea, where as the other two are just statements.
Lennie watches her, fascinated, and Crooks keeps very quiet. Finally, Candy tells her to go away because she is not wanted in the barn. She will get them fired, he adds, and they don't need to hit the highway yet because they have other ideas, like getting their own place. At this revelation, Curley's wife laughs at the men and says it will never happen. Before she leaves, she asks Lennie where he got the bruises on his face. Guiltily, Lennie says Curley got his hand caught in a machine. When she continues to talk to Lennie, Crooks tells her she has no right in his room and that he is going to tell the boss to keep her out. Curley's wife threatens Crooks with lynching. When Candy says that he and Lennie would tell on her for framing Crooks, she counters by saying no one will listen to the old swamper. The four then hear noise in the yard and realize the men are returning; Curley's wife tells Lennie she is glad he busted up Curley a bit, and then she leaves.