The Louisiana Purchase made the United States twice the size it was before the purchase. They had to decide whether or not the states would be free or slave states, resulting in sectionalism.
The best known example of ancient Egyptian architecture are the Egyptian pyramids while excavated temples, palaces, tombs and fortresses have also been studied. Most buildings were built of locally available mud brick and limestone by levied workers. Monumental buildings were built via the post and lintel method of construction. Many buildings were aligned astronomically. Columns were typically adorned with capitals decorated to resemble plants important to Egyptian civilization, such as the papyrus plant.
Ancient Egyptian architectural motifs have influenced architecture elsewhere, reaching the wider world first during the Orientalizing period and again during the nineteenth-century Egyptomania.
The main character of "Unbroken" was once a very competitive Olympian athlete, so giving up in any situation did not come easily to him. Ever since he was young he strived to push himself to physical and mental limits.
The statement "insure domestic tranquility" would remind the states to work together cooperatively because they are the governing entities that can help to prevent domestic conflict.