_____________hello friend___________
here is your answer
Higher birthrate and more diverse immigration: Germans who migrated in search for land; mostly they settled into the "backcountry" due to lack of land; deteriorated Indian relationship
-Religious diversity: although church and state were not separated by modern terms, Jews and Catholics still could not hold offices, but there was a great variety under the Protestant religion;
-During the 18th century, Consumer Revolution: increasing goods like books, tea were enjoyed by colonial households;
hope the answer will help u!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)
A Simple Yet Powerful Economy
Ancient Rome was an agrarian and slave based economy whose main concern was feeding the vast number of citizens and legionaries who populated the Mediterranean region. Agriculture and trade dominated Roman economic fortunes, only supplemented by small scale industrial production.
The first one is the answer ;)
There are both good and bad effects.
Good: The U.S and its allies could use it to defeat the axis powers.
Bad: The axis powers used it to torture soldiers and people.
-Steel jelly
If this is refering to the Second World War, regardless the creation of the German Bizmark, Hitlers “new deal” program was to restart the German economy. While it did contribute tension between the great powers in Europe, Hitler had youth traning programs and engineered tanks that were far superior than what France and the British had. There was and agreement between the European powers that limited naval guns to less than 13mm (which Germany spat on by equipping the Bizmark with 15mm), to reduce world tension.