Answer is letter B: prophase
In Punnett Square, you are bringing the letters on the top to the numbered squares, if that makes sense. It is to predict the genotype of offspring.
So square 1, on the left is A, and on the top is A, so it would be AA.
For square 2, on the left is a, and on the top is A, so it would be Aa.
For square 3, on the left is A, and on the top is A, so it is AA.
Square 4, your question, has a on the left, and A on the top, so it is Aa.
Hope it makes sense. You should probably watch a Punnett Square tutorial online or something for a full and more general explanation.
6 is true 7 is true 8 is false 9 is true 10 is false
Quartz can come in many different colors and shapes idk about malachite but i know that about quartz!
Crops that humans grow have decended from wild plants and are resistant to diseases and pest.
- The science of growing crops is known as agriculture.
- Humans have been developing agriculture since times immemorial.
- They have selected and cultivated crops that gave a better yield and developed new varieties by cross breeding Superior varieties with the inferior ones.
- Usually the cross bred varieties are cultivated and are resistant to pests and diseases.