When citizens overthrow their governments, they bring about a revolution. Locke believed that if a government takes away the peo
ple's rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the people have the right to start a revolution. Locke argued that the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are innate, or existing from birth and natural to all people. These thoughts would later be used by America’s founders. This idea--of the right to revolution--didn't only inspire the US's Founding Fathers. It has influenced many people in countries around the world for hundreds of years. Which of these did Locke believe?
A) People have certain natural rights, and they may start a revolution if the government tries to take those rights away.
B) People have no right to oppose the government. The government has the right to punish people who try to start a revolution.
C) People are not born with any rights; they must earn all rights by obeying their government.
D) People have an innate right to life, but the rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness must be earned through hard work.
When faced with a question like this what you should do is read your answer for part A and then read the quote you chose for part B and see if the two add up to make a valid reasoning to support each other.