For his own sake, no. What he did blatantly put himself in danger and finally was placed under interrogation, etc & so forth.
For the sake of science, yes. What he did, and the consequences thereof, would have publicised his struggle, especially during the age of Enlightenment. Although what he did might also have momentarily pushed people away from science in fear of the consequences of facing the church due to the harsh punishment that he was subjected to. His persistence was, in the end only healthy for the development of science in later years.
While some argue that the more elected officers the better and more democratic a government is, some critics point out that voting too much, too often or in unending bed-sheet ballots may lead to ballot fatigue. Ballot fatigue means people stop participating and even caring about the endless electoral campaigns and the money that is spent on them.
He was an organist for several years
yes They are bald ( not sure tho)
It looks like the top one is the milky way. All three of these look like space to me. Hope this helps give you an idea to answer these.