the first 3 are correct. Stalin was definitely not a humanitarian.
La Triple Alianza fue una alianza entre Alemania, Italia y el Imperio austrohúngaro, el nombre que recibió la coalición inicialmente integrada por el Imperio alemán y el Imperio austrohúngaro por iniciativa del Canciller Otto von Bismarck, a la que posteriormente se uniría Italia.
A.Bell Aircraft produced bomber airplanes and employed thousands of Georgians
not only were jobs provided from the production, but the bombs helped with way.
Answer: Owners of horse drawn wagons and canals did not want railroads because they feared they would lose business. Locomotives were unsafe and unreliable and often collided.
#1.<span>Constitutional rights that are only secured for citizens. The most notable of these are the rights to vote and be elected for office.
#2.</span><span>Constitutional rights that are secured for citizens and permanent residents. The common interpretation of the Constitution is that where it says "the people," it usually refers to citizens and permanent residents. An example of such right is the second amendment - "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" (since it says "the people," it refers to citizens and permanent residents, not any other aliens).</span>