The answer is B. It matters which way you park your car . Your car should also be parallel to the carb but with the wheels inward to the right
RSA encryption is performed by calculating C=M^e(mod n).
However, if n is much larger than e (as is the case here), and if the message is not too long (i.e. small M), then M^e(mod n) == M^e and therefore M can be found by calculating the e-th root of C.
Charles Babbage
Analytical engines were presumed to be the first general-purpose computer which was designed sometime in the 19th century by Charles Babbage - a British mathematician and inventor. A series of punch cards was used by Charles Babbage in his design of the engine. These punch cards were used for various operations such as arithmetical operations, numerical constants and other operations such as load and store.
<em>Hope this works!</em>
Could I buy A WAY better one this one for a lower price