Silkmakers, merchants, carpenters, etc.
These trades were needed in order to get the colony started; build homes (carpenters), grow and harvest the silk (farmers and silk makers)
Subsistence crops are grown for the direct benefit of the farmer and their family. Cash crops are grown to deliberately be sold. ... Cotton makes a poor subsistence crop because you can't eat it and it has to be processed before it's useful (ginned, spun and woven)
name, lines ,mood
Explanation: should know their name
2. know what they are going to say
3. what mood are they in (happy .sad )
Global Spread: Gold Standard
The stock market crash of October 1929 led directly to the Great Depression in Europe. When stocks plummeted on the New York Stock Exchange, the world noticed immediately. ... The gold standard was the primary transmission mechanism of the Great Depression
The oldest recognizable signs of permanent human habitation and urbanization go back abut 12,500 years -- sites like Jericho<span> and </span>Göbekli Tepe<span> both show persistent communities who had the resources to build permanent structures and enough surplus food and labor to support specialists -- however both of those sites also show that hunting remained an important component of the community's way of life. There are certainly other examples of permanent settlements from this same period scattered around, particularly in the region of modern Syria, Turkey, Armenia and Iraq. </span>