The scientific community has always displayed an interest in the understanding of how life began. A rekindled interest emerged in the 1800s as new geologic and biologic discoveries added to the available knowledge.
Physical Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Social wellness, and Spiritual Wellness. I only know the first 5 answers but I hope it helps
If the baby is blue or does not cry.
Immuizations can prevent certain diseases by helping your body fight the disease. It makes your body think it is being attack by a certain disease. Then your body creates a defense against it to fight the disease off.
Chapter 4: Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases (E00-E89). Diabetes mellitus codes falls within the code range E08-E13. These chapter-specific diabetes guidelines contain six primary criteria:
Type of diabetes
Type of diabetes mellitus not documented
Diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin and oral hypoglycemic
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy and gestational diabetes
Complications due to insulin pump malfunction
(a) Underdose of insulin due to insulin pump failure
(b) Overdoes of insulin due to insulin pump failure
Secondary diabetes mellitus
(a) Secondary diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs
(b) Assigning and sequencing secondary diabetes codes and causes
(i) Secondary diabetes mellitus due to pancreatectomy
(ii) Secondary diabetes due to drugs
New revisions for 2018 are the following two sections (3 and 6) for the coding of diabetes (the bolded wording represents the additions/revisions for FY2018):
3) Diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin and oral hypoglycemics
If the documentation in a medical record does not indicate the type of diabetes but does indicate that the patient uses insulin, code E11-, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, should be assigned. An additional code should be assigned from category Z79 to identify the long-term (current) use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs. If the patient is treated with both oral medications and insulin, only the code for long-term (current) use of insulin should be assigned. Code Z79.4 should not be assigned if insulin is given temporarily to bring a type 2 patient’s blood sugar under control during an encounter.
6) Secondary diabetes mellitus
Codes under categories E08, Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition, E09, Drug- or chemical-induced diabetes mellitus, and E13, Other specified diabetes mellitus, identify complications/manifestations associated with secondary diabetes mellitus. Secondary diabetes is always caused by another condition or event (e.g., cystic fibrosis, malignant neoplasm of pancreas, pancreatectomy, adverse effect of drug, or poisoning).
(a) Secondary diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs
For patients with secondary diabetes mellitus who routinely use insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs, an additional code from category Z79 should be assigned to identify the long-term (current) use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs. If the patient is treated with both oral medications and insulin, only the code for long-term (current) use of insulin should be assigned Code Z79.4 should not be assigned if insulin is given temporarily to bring a type 2 patient’s blood sugar under control during an encounter.