can you get a better picture its too blury
Expositon- the beginning of the story...
Rising action- events and conflicts that happen...
climax- Point of highest tension and drama
falling action- events that happen after the climax
resolution- the ending
I would advise that she either goes to her school library or a local library. If that is not possible, she could also ask her parents if they can schedule the visit to another date. She could also go to a friend's house anyway studying with friends is enjoyable and advantageous.
The elements that represent elements of an author's style are the sentence length, the language used, syntactical structure and rhetorical devices. Using rhetorical devices is a way of using effective expression or assertive text that aims to change the reader's mind or make the reader support the author's point of view. Sentence length is important because reading long convoluted sentences is off-putting to the reader. If the sentence structure is too short, however, it causes a stilted flow and the reader won't enjoy reading what the author has written either.