The cell phones and firearms we use are examples of products which makes us as individuals to be influenced by global cities.
The cell phones makes communication easier unlike in the past where the main means of communication was through letter writing. Different phone applications also influences us because we adjust to the latest trends brought up by these global cities.
The firearms were made through technological innovations by these global countries. It’s now common in every country due to its strong influence on others. It makes warfare and self defense easier and more sophisticated.
A carbon tax aims to make individuals and firms pay the full social cost of carbon pollution. In theory, the tax will reduce pollution and encourage more environmentally friendly alternatives. However, critics argue a tax on carbon will increase costs for business and reduce levels of investment and economic growth.
The purpose of a carbon tax
The purpose of a carbon tax is to internalise this externality. What this means is that the final price of the good should include the external costs and not just the private cost. It is similar to the ‘polluter pays principle.‘ – which was incorporated into international law at the 1992 Rio Summit. It simply means those who cause environmental costs should be made to pay the full social cost of their actions.
Diagram to show welfare loss of a negative externality
This diagram shows that in a free market (without any tax), we get overconsumption (Q1) of carbon, leading to a welfare loss to society.
Social efficiency with Carbon Tax
The terminology is outlined in the overview paragraph according to the particular circumstance.
- The law pertains to the legislature's collection of policies as well as guidelines to govern individual behavior and conduct.
- For something like an individual creature, morality corresponds to something like the standards of conduct.
Therefore the cornerstone of the law remains morality, although morality remains guaranteed by behaving and as per the constitution.
The answer would be A, for the exact reason it gives you