Diplomatically, President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb in Japan may have been partially motivated by his desire to limit the involvement of the Soviet Union in the Pacific War.
President Harry Truman, was the 33rd President of the United States of America, who was in office during World War II, when he decided to use atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The main motivation for the attack was to get back on Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack, but some may argue that it was also a demonstration of power to drive other nations away from combat with the United States.
Answer: Mein Kampf was a autobiography book written by Hitle, it means "My Struggle" or "My Fight".
The book describes how he becomes antisemitic and militaristic, as well as his ideology and future plans for the country. He talks about what considers political crimes. It was a way to gain the world leadership. He even describes how was met a Jew in Vienna.
Despite his contributions to the antislavery cause, Brown did not emerge as a figure of major significance until 1855 after he followed five of his sons to the Kansas territory. There, he became the leader of antislavery guerillas and fought a proslavery attack against the antislavery town of Lawrence.
An american student of John Bowlby who separated the types of attachment into three categories; secure attachment, avoidant attachment and resistant attachmen
By first playing Italy, France and Britain against each other (they were trying to takeover Ethiopia), while this was happening, he built a large arsenal of modern weapons. When Italy advanced into Ethiopia, Menelik II declared war and successfully defeated the Italians and kept Ethiopia independent.