"The Pact" is a remarkable story about the friendship of three young men. This story shows the power of friendship in which three young black
men make a promise and fulfill a dream written by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt, and Lisa Frazier.
<span>All three miss out
many things by not having fathers, they have experienced an absence of male
role models, they depend on their teachers and union of their friendship which
provides them with the confidence and they move forward to fulfill their dreams.</span>
A. She, her
"Was" is used with I, She, He and It
A graceful loser is a person that takes a loss "on the chin" and does not act bitter, but instead congratulates the winner in a non-malicious manner.
For example, if a player loses a tennis match and is quite happy to go across the court to shake the hands of his opponents, wish him well and walk away, then he is a graceful loser.
On the other hand, a person who loses in a less than dignified manner is a person that throws tantrums, complains, or rejects the result of a match because he feels he was treated unfairly or his opponent did not deserve the win.
An example is a tennis player attacking the umpire, shouting and rejecting the outcome because he feels some of the umpire's calls were wrong and his opponent was lucky to win
Autobiography! This should be it.
A Pictograph uses pictures to represent a particular number of items.