The incest taboo is a universal rule, that is, it is present in all human societies for which there is an ethnographic record. It consists in prohibiting the occurrence of sexual and marital relations between close relatives, as occurs between parents and children and siblings. Its existence would not have resulted from genetic problems, as many imagine, but, above all, from socio-cultural issues, such as the need for social relations guided by reciprocity and alliance between families. If it were a prohibitive rule determined biologically, there would certainly be a taboo of incest among non-human primates, felines, canids, cattle, etc. Therefore, kinship is a relationship constructed socially and culturally, as it happens, just to exemplify, between parents and adopted children.
The recognition and classification of relatives varies from one society to another and there are the most complex rules on incest. An example of this is society the father's brother is called the uncle, the paternal uncle. In certain indigenous societies he is also considered a father and, therefore, his children are brothers (not cousins) of his brother's children. In such cases, the recognition of who is a brother implies knowing with which relatives it is forbidden to have sexual and marital relations. There is, however, the registration of marriage between brothers in ancient Egyptian royalty and among the Incas, among others, but they are exceptions to the rule.
The type of PFD suitable for children under 10 years of age should be:
a type 1 PFD
There are four types of PFD and the Type 1 should be used by children under 10 years of age. Type 1 PFD's are intended to be used in water activities where early rescue may be expected. Children under 10 years of age must wear a USCG approved PFD when on board a boat.
Here is information for both perspectives:
I would support the federalists because they believed in a strong central government that would help to unite the states. Along with this, the creation of a new stronger federal government would help to solve the problems America faced under its first constitution, the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government could not tax or even raise an army. With the new US Constitution, the federal government would have these necessary powers in order to ensure safety within American society.
I would support the Anti-Federalists because they were advocates of states rights. Along with this, the Anti-Federalists knew that a central government with too much power could very easily result in a monarchy, much like the one the United States experienced when controlled by Great Britain.
The most significant change that has occured today compared to ancient times is that today women are considered to be equal in most parts of the world. It is not anymore required of the woman to cook a meal and prepare everything for a husband simply because she is the woman in charge of a house.
The correct answer is letter B
Episodic memory is divided into anterograde and retrograde. Anterograde memory consists of our ability to consolidate new memories from a point, while the retrograde consists of remembering experiences that happened earlier in our life. To illustrate the whole process of declarative memory, let us return to the situation of the vacation trip. Telling a friend about the trip to a certain place is a good example of the use of semantic memory, but the episodic fits in this example when you want to tell, for example, how the trip was on the first days of vacation.
Let's say it was raining, which made it impossible to go to the beach as planned. Then, through semantic memory, what happened is expressed, but episodic allows us to evoke what happened at a given time and place of the trip. Still in this example of the trip, the retrograde memory would enter as the capacity to evoke facts that had occurred previously. For example, a friend's suggestion when recommending taking the trip at a certain time of the year or visiting a specific place. While the antegrade would be all over again during the trip, which would now be considered past time, since it is being told to someone.