Answer: ones personality.
Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” It refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom and this period was characterized by a rebirth of learning and an appreciate for ancient Greek and Roman knowledge, art, and architecture. This is an appropriate term for the period.
What President Roosevelt did which has never been done before in conservation was that the president made conservation a major part of his administration. He was a dynamic force in the new movement which was known as conservationism. The president saw the need to preserve natural resources and he put in place appropriate mechanisms to do this. At the end of his tenure, he had already built five national parks, four game refugees, fifty one national bird reservations and national forest service.
The Olmec were the first major civilization in Mexico. They lived in the tropical lowlands on the Gulf of Mexico in the present-day Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco. The name Olmec is a Nahuatl—the Aztec language—word; it means the rubber people.