Major Themes in “On Being Brought from Africa to America”: Mercy, racism and divinity are the major themes of this poem. Throughout the poem, the speaker talks about God's mercy and the indifferent attitude of the people toward the African-American community.
He went to London and sold his plays, and since his style of writing was unique, so people were interested in him.
C. chapter 4. cars are built in factories, so they would use "robots in factories".
B. He treats him Caliban cruelly by cursing him with pains and speaking condescendingly to him.
Prospero treats Caliban as a slave. Caliban's speech states Caliban's point of view of his treatment by Prospero early on in the play, and the audience needs to keep this in mind throughout the remainder of it.
Examples:Psychological mind games,tag on ice,hide and clap,wrestling,baseball