The unobservable market force that supplies of goods in a free market
To answer your question, "What it means when it says online that your tax return has been received and is being processed?": This means that the IRS or the Internal Revenue Service or IRS has received your tax return document and they will be processing it. Getting the refund will take 21 days and will be updated after 24 hours when you have submitted it online and 4 weeks when you mail it.
If you work hard, but only work, and do not take your time to rest and to do other things that you enjoy (hobbies, play) then you might suffer a burn-out and be tired. this might affect your health, be a source of stress - so it will not bring contentment.
The statement is false!
I believe one reason was that it was consensual between two young lover say 18 and 17 most 18 year olds would still be charged but given a second chance or should have been given.