Gretel changes out her dolls for Nazi posters and when his mom started looking sick. he s also affected when Pavel gets beat up and when he gets yelled at by lieutenant kotler when he likes about Shmuel and makes Shmuel get in trouble
Answer:The 100 Year Starship (100YSS) is a joint U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) grant project to a private entity. The goal of the study is to create a business plan that can foster the research and technology needed for interstellar travel within 100 years.
The author used imagery in this excerpt!
What I would do is contact my superior and ask him/her what they would want me to . do. Whatever the superior says then I would have to obey so I don't get fired. If this happens on a daily bases at your job then I would start searching for another job. Once you have found another job that you might like then I would take that one and leave the other one. Or you could just tough it out and your superior will take notice and he/she might offer you a better position. Hopefully this helps.
is the mental, emotional, and social qualities to distinguish one entity from another (people, animals, spirits, automatons, pieces of furniture, and other animated objects).
Character development is the change that a character undergoes from the beginning of a story to the end. Young children can note this.
The importance of a character to the story determines how fully the character is developed. Characters can be primary, secondary, minor, or main.
Characters are developed by
Actions: In Charlotte's' Web, Temple ton, creeps up cautiously to the goslings, keeping close to the wall. Later he grins when Wilbur falls trying to spin a web. At the fair he bites Wilbur's tail as hard as he possibly can. His actions portray him as sneaky, ill-tempered, and pleased at others' discomfort. these ate some examples of plots and novels