"Why Do We Hate Love?"
1. We hate love for various psychological reasons. Love can arouse anxiety and threaten old defenses. In the past one could build emotional blocks that close off emotional feelings. When love is showed to such a person, they can become suddenly saddened, because they feel the pain of not being loved in the past. Being loved also questions a person's self-concept, thus, provoking identity crisis within. The love enjoyed in the family can also make a person to find love outside the family difficult, as they feel disconnected.
2. A "...many people are unaware that being loved or especially valued makes them feel angry and withholding."
The line dividing love and hate is very thin. For example, when sex is used as a tool to show love, hate may result if the other party does not approve of it. This is why young men should be careful to suggest or apply sexual maneuvers over their lovebirds. Love should be solidified before sex, allowing sex to result from love and not love from sex.
This is a TED talk given by Karem Thompson
In her speech she talks about how fear is connected with the stories we had read. She says, first, we have to acknowledge that fear is an entire system of the brain.
Yet today, when we do not have to fear a saber-toothed tiger behind every tree, we are still telling ourselves that a critical level of danger may be right around every corner.
Now our stress is social, ethical, and financial, but our brain elevates the challenges to that same fear center. We have difficult family situations that need attention, but we avoid wading in because we are imagining the worst possible outcome.
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