The battle of Cowshed shows how the animals won their independence from humans, but it mainly focuses on Snowball.
What Picture? In your proflie picture it looks like a hamster
Oh, wow! I really wish I could help you but I'm afraid I can't
<span>b. He has been killed.
The mechanicals see a monster (really just Bottom with a donkey's head from Puck's spell) and all scatter, screaming and running away. When they can't find Bottom they assume that he has been killed in the woods, probably by the monster. </span>
<span>Superstitious people might do many odd things because they believe in luck, or bad luck. So, they may retrace their steps if a black cat crosses their path, they may not want to walk under a ladder because it is sad to bring bad luck, they may be scared when their mirror cracks because it is believed to bring 7 years of bad luck. They may do many things to get out of a possible bad situation, or induce a good thing to happen to them.</span>