The religious differences among Quakers, Catholics, Jews, Baptists, and other religious groups slowed the growth of public education in the Middle Colonies.
After being held up in the courts for more than a year, President Barack Obama’s signature immigration executive actions that proposed expanding his deferred action policies to allow individuals residing in the country illegally the opportunity to avoid deportation and obtain work permits and driver’s licenses were blocked from being implemented in a 4-4 ruling delivered by the United States Supreme Court on June 23, 2016.[1]
Without a ninth justice, due to the vacancy left on the court by former Justice Antonin Scalia's unexpected death, the Supreme Court was unable to rule on the case. The 4-4 split decision upheld the lower court's ruling, which blocked the new and expanded immigration policies from going into effect. President Obama blamed the court's inability to issue a ruling on Republican senators who have declined to hold a confirmation hearing on his Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland.[2]
Executive Order 9066 is an executive order issued by Franklin Delano Roosevelt following the aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941, and was pointed at citizens and residents of the US in the west coast who had Japanese ancestry. The President issues, and justifies issuing this Order, by stating that there may be Japanese spies that live in the US who may, not only feed information to the Japanese on US's movements & how the US public reacts, but also sabotage the war effort. Since the hazard is great, the US decided that it would be better to have all of them interned at isolated camps then to try to find spies loyal to Japan individually. However, technically the internment is wrong, and some people of today even compare it to the Nazi's concentration camps (however, I believe there are wide differences between the two). In the end, the Order was put out for fear of destruction not only from the outside, but from within also.