The basic principle in the exercise of one's right is that it should not interfere with the ability of others to enjoy their rights as well. this means rights have limitations, and these limitations are logical. The graffiti hurted the neighbour and that is a violation of his rights of propert as well.
Animism - the belief that objects in the natural world have spirits
Kinship - a family relationship
Sustain - to nourish, support, and help something grow
Descendant - a person who is the offspring of ancestors
Dude this is easy, but more points for me I guess
All of these statements are correct.
The Assyrians made many technological discoveries. They were the first to use the potter's wheel to make better pottery, they used irrigation to get water to their crops, they used bronze metal (and later iron metal) to make strong tools and weapons, and used looms to weave cloth from wool.