Fiverr works just like any other marketplace. Sellers list their services (gigs) and buyers who are interested in these services ask questions and if they are satisfied with answers, purchase them. Fiverr works like a middleman guaranteeing both parties are happy with the end result.
It is the evening before Dorian's thirty-eighth birthday, and he has dined with Lord Henry.
C. Anna tried to hold back the dog, but she just was not strong enough for the bulk, power, and movement of the dog.
A revision is when a given sentence or any given passage is rewritten in a better form. This can involve changes in the words, or voice or tense, or even the structure of the whole sentence.
In the given sentence, the proper noun is used after the pronoun. Instead of using the pronoun to start the sentence, if we use the proper noun "Anna" to start the sentence, then the sentence is made easier to understand and also who is being talked about. Also, changing the structure of the sentence by rearranging certain words will make the sentence better in form and construction.
Thus, the revised sentence will be option C.
your best friend is the subject. your is the pronoun
topic : “The Tell-Tale Heart”
main point : The life cycle of the cicada is complicated and can last up to seventeen years