Anti-Forensic Techniques.
Anti-Forensic Techniques are thsoe techniques used to deviate the Forensic tools by injecting fake informations, hiding information, planting bugs, editing or erasing information, rendering it impossible to recover the data. It is a criminal way of hacking approach that restrains Forensics to find the hackers.
Anti-Forensic tools and techniques works in oppose to the Forensic tools and techniques that tries to recover the data, locate the hacker.
Thus the correct answer is anti-forensic techniques.
This is
Apart from the traditional pen and paper methods, there is
an increased emergence of tools that can be used in market and
public opinion research. For instance, we can use computer assisted telephone
interviews, self-administered computer methods and computer assisted face to
face interviewing methods
Answer: Malfunctioning of your hypertext program or malfunctions in your hypertext program.
Explanation: Hypertext is text that contains links to other texts. The HyperMedia is a collective term which can include graphics, video, sounds and texts, hence Hypertext.
The Hypertext also be said to be a special type if database system in which objects like Text, pictures, music, programs etc can be linked to each other creatively such that When you select an object, you can see all the other objects that are linked to it and you can move from one object to another regardless of if they have different forms or not. It was invented by Ted Nelson in the 1960s.
According to the question, when you are trying to create a web page for your band and creating links to other groups on your page, you are probably using the hypertext and if you are having problems doing this, then your hypertext linking is malfunctioning.
Object Oriented Programming (OOPS or OOPS for Object Oriented Programming System) is the most widely used programming paradigm today. While most of the popular programming languages are multi-paradigm, the support to object-oriented programming is fundamental for large projects. Of course OOP has its share of critics. Nowadays functional programming seems the new trendy approach. Still, criticism is due mostly to misuse of OOP.