u have to progrem a math algorithum
You just need a little bit of math to solve this. Add up the items and see which one would be equal to $55.00 or less.
A = $59.90 so this is not the answer
B = $60.94 so this is not the answer
C = $55.99 so this is not the answer
D = $50.97
D is the correct answer.
The nutrition characteristics of eating darker meat of fish
like Salmon are that it is higher in healthy Omega-3 fats. It is true, however,
that as much as it has the highest Omega-3 fats, it is also likely to be
highest in any potential toxins.
Sorted array will be:-
3 5 5 9
In Selection Sort algorithm it sorts the array by repeatedly finds the minimum in the array form the array that is unsorted and swaps it with the value at the first position.
The unsorted array:- 5 3 9 5
In first iteration
minimum is 3.
3 will be swapped with 5.
Now the array is 3 5 9 5
sorted array 3
In second iteration
unsorted array is 5 9 5
sorted array 3 5
and the minimum from it is 5
No swapping will occur.
In third iteration
unsorted array is 9 5
minimum is 5
sorted array 3 5 5
swap it with 9.
Now the array is sorted.
3 5 5 9