<u>Answer: </u>
Powder Alarm
<u>Explanation: </u>
The powder alarm was a considerably prominent reaction to the orders of General Gage, royal governor to the British soldiers to remove the gunpowders from the magazine.
In response to this action, amid rumours that blood had been shed, alarm scattered to Connecticut and even beyond through the countryside, and American Patriots sprung into action, fearing that war was at hand.
up to 13 pounds.
Their fine meat quality and egg-laying ability has made them the first choice of American duck growers. They are the easiest domestic ducks to process and prepare for meat production. Male Pekins carry a Fall weight of up to 13 pounds, and the females weigh about 7 pounds.
The probability of long hair is 50%. The probability of short hair is also 50%. So, the probability of one of their offspring having long hair is 50%
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10 to 12 inches
Fruits are nearly round averaging 10 to 12 inches in diameter with an average weight of 24 pounds. Flesh is bright deep-red with high sugar content and relatively few small dark brown mottled seeds Read More… This popular oblong striped variety averages 22 to 24 inches long by 11 to 13 inches in diameter.