Gas is the answer. I hope its the right one but its the best thing i could come up with
1 corinthians 4: 2
What administrators are asked to do is be faithful
1 Peter 4: 10
Each person must use the gifts that have been granted for a good administration of the charism of God
1 Timothy 5: People who do not care about their family or those who live with them reject the faith and are worse than unbelievers
Colossians 3:23: All the works we do are done for God and not to please other people
1 Corinthians 4: 1,2 May people see us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God, likewise we are asked to be good stewards
The major difference between viruses and living things are that most living things can reproduce independently, whereas viruses must infect living cells in order to reproduce. The correct answer is C.
Point D
Point D is the point that is most likely to not have any plants growing in it. The reason why this point of the body of water will not have any plants is because of the lack of light. This part of the body of water is dark, with no light penetrating to it. The plants need light to survive, as it is a vital element in the process of photosynthesis. If there isn't any light, the plants can not perform photosynthesis, thus they can not produce their own food, which in turn means that they will not exist in such a place.