<u>Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria:</u>
Antibiotic is a naturally produced substance that is used to kill bacteria. The first antibiotic was penicillin produced from fungus. The word antibiotic means against life which means it is against the life of pathogenic bacteria.
In the case of the living organism that is treated antibiotic is ‘pro life’. Antimicrobials are used to kill pathogenic microbes like fungus, bacteria, virus etc. Sometimes the microbes become resistant to the antimicrobials and they are said to develop is antimicrobial resistance.
When pathogens develop antimicrobial resistance newer drugs have to be developed in place of the earlier ones to treat the disease.
No todas las mutaciones conducen a la evolución. Solo las mutaciones hereditarias, que ocurren en los óvulos o los espermatozoides, pueden transmitirse a las generaciones futuras y contribuir potencialmente a la evolución.
Endotherms, such as birds and mammals, use metabolic heat to maintain a stable internal temperature, often one different from the environment. Ectotherms, like lizards and snakes, do not use metabolic heat to maintain their body temperature but take on the temperature of the environment.
D nucleotides. which have nitrogen, carbon and a phosphate group