A major triad can be created with 3 notes, by starting with a note, like “C” then adding a note a major 3rd higher, “E” which is four half-steps, then on top of that, adding a minor third (3 half steps up), above that G. C-E-G
A major third can start on any notes, using the same formula of major third and a minor third
D-F#-A, Bb-D-F
A.thick walls and wide base support the weight of the structure
I just took it
Around the mid 1940s in the united states
Answer and Explanation:
Art is special because it helps express a person's feelings or such. It helps to show how creative a person is, art is a way of releasing pent up emotions or showing your talent to the world.
To me, Art is my world, I draw every day and I love it. I'm going to become a manga and cartoon artist when I graduate! :D
It's so much fun to draw and show your creative skills.
The attached artwork is very old but I mean, it's all I have on my computer. It's from early 2019, late 2018. Sorry, I don't have anything fresh to show you. Still, I've grown a lot since then. Hopefully, I can show you my new art style soon.
**NOTE: The H20 Delirious Artwork was an EDIT, not a DRAWING. Therefore, it is NOT mine but still, I love Delirious bunches.**