I’ll give you a short overview of what I know.
He was a scientist, biologist, and wrote many books. He was specifically known for creating the science of genetics.
Mendel was born in 1822 into a poor farming family and then died January of 1884. He was an Austrian monk who discovered the basic principles of hereditary through experiments in his very own garden!
I’m sorry. I don’t believe this defines him. You can’t really define anyone in this short of a paragraph. To really know him, I’d have to do deeper research.
As for now, I hope this helps out. This probably just scratches the surface of who he really was. Have a great night!
All my best,
Aa, gg and aa are homozygous.
ag and ag are heterozygous.
I'm not positive but i believe it would be a ruler with millimeters and centimeters
Consider this:
Each parent has two sex chromosomes.
The mother, as a female, has chromosomes XX.
The father, a male, has XY.
The mother will pass on one sex chromosome to the baby, as will the father.
The mother can only pass on an X.
The father, however, has a 50/50 chance of passing on an X or Y.
XX would make a female and XY would make a male.
Simply put, the sex chromosome from your mother is fixed, it's going to be an X no matter what. It's which sex chromosome your father passes on that determines your sex.