The process illustrated in the diagram is the non light dependent reactions of photosynthesis termed as Calvin Cycle.
- Two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) are produced or released from step one to step two of Calvin cycle.
- The source of energy that helps to start step one are ATP and NADPH, mainly derived from the light dependent reaction.
- The oxygen molecule thus formed by splitting of water is release to the nature as oxygen, which living organisms utilizes in respiration.
- Carbon dioxide comes from the atmosphere to start the process.
- Light reactions occurs in the thylakoid membranes of the plant organelles namely chloroplasts.
- Non-light dependent reaction or Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma chloroplasts.
Renewable energy resource as an obstacles for the growth of migratory salmon populations: It is now believed that the reduce access to spawning grounds and nursery areas, leading to a decrease in migratory fish populations is due to the dam structures of large storage-type schemes, which can create great obstacles for the movement of migratory fish species.
- Storage-type schemes ( big dams) can significantly change the downstream flow regime,and may also alter water temperature and quality, and even make it inhabitable for fish to live.
- As the storage of water can be linked with high evaporative losses, which in turn results in high life cycle water footprints compared to other sources of electricity.
<u>Run-of-river (ROR) schemes are HEP schemes: </u>
They operate without water storage, using the flow within a river channel.They are ecologically friendly and do not disturb the natural mechanism for the migrating salmons.
Working Principle:
They are normally used to regulate water levels, which allows a proportion or part of flow to be diverted down a secondary channel to a turbine before it is returned to the main channel further downstream.
There are some modern turbine types used in ROR HEP(hydroelectric power) schemes, which are also designed to allow fish to pass through the system unharmed if the fish do pass through the intake screens.
The average conversion energy from producers to primary consumers is b. 10%.
This percentage actually holds true for all transfer of energy at any trophic level in the food chain. Majority of the energy loss can be attributed to metabolic processes that give off heat and other forms of energy. It is important to note that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it is simply transformed from one form to another.
In biology, an organism is any organic, living system that functions as an individual entity. All organisms are composed of cells. Organisms are classified by taxonomy into groups such as multicellular animals, plants, and fungi; or unicellular microorganisms such as protists, bacteria, and archaea
B . The hinge joint of the elbow.
Uniaxial joint allows for motion in a single phase.