The correct answer is Turkey.
Asia Minor (or Anatolia) was a geographic region in south-western Asia, which nowadays represents the Asian part of modern Turkey and some parts of Armenia.
Alexander the Great defeated Persians in the Battle of the Granicus (334-333 BC), and after that proceeded with the conquest of Asia Minor. Most of the cities surrendered without a fight, but he experienced some difficulties while conquering some cities of Miletus, Halicarnassus, and Mylasa.
According to the legend, in the ancient capital, Gordium, Alexander cut the famous Gordian Knot that made him a King of Asia.
Besides Asia Minor, his empire also included Macedonia, Greece, Syria, Judea, Phoenicia, Egypt, Gaza, Mesopotamia, Persia, Bactria and some parts of India.
The death of Lenin affected the political environment in the Soviet Union through the leading to the power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky.
Correct Answer : Option C
During the assassination attempt over the Lenin, it made him incapable of any activity sticking to the wheelchair. Even during his lifetime of active phases, he always thought of as who would succeed him, and he always felt that Stalin is more powerful than he himself, and with this much amount of power Stalin becomes vulnerable and in a sort an incapable successor.
The death caused the struggle of power between the right wing of Stalin to conflict with left wing of Trotsky. Trotsky, provoked in the public and party for his position but he failed. at the end, Trotsky was expelled out from the Soviet Union.
The individual that has inspired me the most would have to be Woodrow wilson. He was the 28th president ,who was also the governor of New Jersey, and the president of princton university before he began his presidency. At one point he even worked as a lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia. Woodrow's re-election campaign was founded because of the fact that he kept the U.S out of WWI. He was known best for coming up with the League of Nations besides the fact that woodrows country refused to be part of it. He married twice his second wife Edith Galt was a desendent of Pocohantas.
Woodrow's biggest accomplishments were for establishing the FRS (Federal Reserve System) and winning the Nobel Peace prize. He won the Nobel Peace prize for his contribution to the international organization League of Natoions. After a policy of nuetrality at the outbreak of WWI, Woodrow led America into the war in order to and I quote " Make the world safe of democracy." Just like Roosevelt before him, Woodrow regarded himself as the personal representative of the people. Woodrow helped the environment by leading a Democratic Congress to pass major legislation that included the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act, and the FRS (Federal Reseve System). Woodrow oversaw creation of the National Park Service in the year of 1916, Which has been considered one of the great treasures of the nation.
Woodrow's administration had quickly and efficiently kickstarted the war by a mobilization once the united states joined WWI in April of 1917. First of all, Woodrow's established a number of governmental agencies designed to encourage and support Private-sector businesses in the war effort. He ultimatly tried to keep teh U.S out of the war but declared war on Germany in the year of 1917. Woodrow's main goal was to end the war and to bring out lasting peace for the world.