An albatross symbolizes a dead weight, or a burden (emotionally, obviously). The origin of this stems from the belief that killing an albatross would bring bad luck to sailors, most popularly from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, where an albatross is hung from the neck of a sailor who killed it. Some may consider obstacles they struggle to overcome to be an albatross, or even themselves if they feel that they are 'weighing others down', in a sense. Inversely though, albatrosses can also mean good luck, although this is used less commonly than the former.
They’re similar since they end in -ter and -tor, which generally sound similar, but they’re different as “director” is a noun meaning a person who directs something, while “shatter” is a verb meaning to break something into tiny pieces (you can shatter a window, a glass, a plate, etc).
I'm pretty sure it is
A.The Academy award for best picture in 1961 went to musical film "west side story."
By comparing (1) and (2), we see that the current in the parallel configuration is greater than in the series configuration. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Hope this helps.